+ 001 0231 123 32



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A visit to Andhra Pradesh State Archaelogical Museum is a delight for art lovers. Located in the picturesque Public Gardens, the museum boasts of one of the richest repositories of antiques and art objects in the country. Built in 1920 by the Nizam VII, the museum building itself is a fine example of Indo-Saracenic architecture. The museum contains a Buddhist gallery, Brahmanical & Jain gallery, Bronze gallery, Arms & Armour Gallery, Numismatics gallery, Ajanta gallery, an Egyptian Mummy dating back to 2500 BC, coins from different period and so on.

Adjacent to the state museum is the contemporary Art Museum.

Phone: 040-23234942/23232267

  • Entry Fee: Rs. 10/- Adult Rs. 5/- Child
  • Foreign Visitor: Rs. 150/-